Jeff Kang replied to the topic Accumulate dwell time: resume dwell time after looking away – prevent restarting in the forum Gazespeaker functionalities 10 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for considering the feature. -
Jeff Kang started the topic Accumulate dwell time: resume dwell time after looking away – prevent restarting in the forum Gazespeaker functionalities 10 years, 7 months ago
Accumulate dwell time: resume dwell time after looking away – prevent restarting of dwell (it is a feature of GazeTalk, a text entry system)
At 1:29 of the video, “Gazespeaker eye tracking and Google maps” (http://youtu.be/BwZ3YCo73RE?t=1m29s), a user has the intention of activating the “See Map” icon, but the user has to keep on restartin…[Read more]
Jeff Kang started the topic Accumulate dwell time: resume dwell time after looking away – prevent restarting in the forum Gazespeaker functionalities 10 years, 7 months ago
Accumulate dwell time: resume dwell time after looking away – prevent restarting of dwell (it is a feature of GazeTalk, a text entry system)
At 1:29 of the video, “Gazespeaker eye tracking and Google maps” (http://youtu.be/BwZ3YCo73RE?t=1m29s), a user has the intention of activating the “See Map” icon, but the user has to keep on restartin…[Read more]
Jeff Kang started the topic Drag and drop to switch cell positions – virtual hold ({LButton down}) not work in the forum Gazespeaker functionalities 10 years, 8 months ago
Drag and drop to switch cell positions – simulated, virtual click-hold (Send {LButton down}) doesn’t work
I don’t normally drag on the desktop. I remapped a button to simulate the holding-down/long-press of a left click.
End::Send {LButton down}
It’s more comfortable to avoid having to hold something down.
Microsoft has the Sticky Keys accessi…[Read more]
Jeff Kang started the topic Failing to download install file – unable to post on Gazespeaker forums in the forum Troubleshooting 10 years, 9 months ago
Someone is having issues with downloading the install file, and is unable to post on the forums.
“karl o’keeffe
4:49 AMHi Jeff, I saw you had commented on the Gazespeaker site. You downloaded it and tried it out? I have tried numerous times over the last week to download the install file and it fails every time. I wasn’t able to post on the…[Read more]
Jeff Kang started the topic Thanks a lot for making this! in the forum Gazespeaker functionalities 10 years, 9 months ago
I tested a couple minutes of it, and it looks like it could be a lifesaver for people that have difficulty affording the more expensive software choices (I don’t know what the older communication software options are. DynaVox? I saw some screenshots of DynaVox, and this free program looks like it’s capable of achieving most of the same thing Dyn…[Read more]
Jeff Kang started the topic Thanks a lot for making this! in the forum Gazespeaker functionalities 10 years, 9 months ago
I tested a couple minutes of it, and it looks like it could be a lifesaver for people that have difficulty affording the more expensive software choices (I don’t know what the older communication software options are. DynaVox? I saw some screenshots of DynaVox, and this free program looks like it’s capable of achieving most of the same thing Dyn…[Read more]
Jeff Kang started the topic Forum topic “Gazespeaker functionalities” open? in the forum Troubleshooting 10 years, 9 months ago
Forum topics, “Announcements”, “Eye-Tracking ”, and “Troubleshooting” are open for posting. “Gazespeaker functionalities” isn’t. Is it supposed to be?